Hey October Man Sequence expert, did you notice something? The Jessica Alba lookalike that you bumped into a few days ago has got other men wanting to date her too. The fact of life is that all ladies who are worth going after are also being wooed by some other men. So what other options do you have? If you know these dating tips, then you’ll be able to trump any guy (including Neil Strauss and Ross Jeffries) who wants to butt into your territory, even if he has a face that looks like Brad Pitt, as wealthy as as Donald Trump, or or as virile as a horse…
How you can Make A Girl Hot – Fire up Her Emotions For You Via These Blazing Seduction Methods
Maybe these strategies seem odd right now, but they make women feel attracted to you quickly, especially according to IN10SE. There’s a lot of such Fractionation or Speed Seduction methods (or “routines”) which you’ve never heard of in the past – just because the people who know of them truly would rather keep them for themselves so that they can make any woman they want fall in love (even if she’s already dating someone).
Trick 1: Pretend To Be Interested Using Hypnosis. Remember that if you want to be able to increase affinity with a girl, you have to make her make her talk about her interests. The funny thing is the more she talks, the more drawn she is with you. It’s crazy. For that reason, always seem interested, even though the topic could make you doze off normally.
Trick 2- Pull Back with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). The other men will try to impress her. What you should do is bust her pride – and tell her that she’s not good enough for you. The trick here’s to convey that that you’re inaccessible to her – and if you can manage this, you’ll come across as truly Important to her – and at the same time more desirable than all the other guys combined. If you want to know more about NLP, check out this Wikipedia article.
Trick 3: Make Her Feel Confused… And Keep Her Confused. When you’ve tried the two previous Speed Seduction strategies, then by now, she’s so confused about whether you’re into her or not. The key here’s to keep her feeling like there’s more to you than meets the eye. If she begins thinking that you’re too into her and thinks you are too easy to sort out, then she won’t feel magnetized by you.
If you use these three tricks, you’ll find that any woman would inevitably be drawn to you. If you need something more powerful, check out the Fractionation Formula.